Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What Coins Should I Collect?

You should collect what you like and enjoy. This is Your Dream. Design it any way you want.

Never-the-less, . . . decide on Foreign coins or US Coins; and Proof or Mint State. If US, then decide upon a Denomination: penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half dollar, dollar or other.

Or, decide upon a particular Period in History, e.g.: Morgan Dollars (Lady Liberty, Following Civil War), Peace Dollars (Following WWI), War Time Cents (Steel and Shell Casing - WWII), War Time Nickels (Silver - WWII), Silver quarters and dimes pre 1965; Statehood Quarters; 20th Century; 19th Century.

Or decide upon an Historical Figure; Kennedy Half Dollars (Following his death), Lincoln Cents; Washington Quarters; Franklin Half Dollars; Eisenhower Dollars, Susan B Anthony Dollars, Roosevelt Dimes; Sacagawea Dollars. You can also choose Type Sets, Year Sets, Mint Sets, Proof Sets and Decades.

The Next Step is to decide upon the Quality of coin you want to collect. Your choices are: a) pocket change; b) bank rolls; c) US mint and proof rolls and sets (new and used); d) Buy from Coin Shows and Clubs; e) Buy on the Internet; f) Buy from coin dealer; g) Buy from coin magazine or ad. Each has their benefits and advantages. Pocket Change and Bank Rolls provide Circulated coins. The US Mint provides Uncirculated Mint State and Proof coins.

The Internet provides the Greatest Selection from private Web Sites, e.g.: www.ThePerfect-Coin.Com to the big Auctions like eBay, Yahoo, Heritage and TeleTrade. And With the advent of (free) it becomes very quick and easy to pay for purchases over the Internet and by Phone.

The one thing that is important in all of the above choices is the Grade of the Coin, which is closely related to Value (a topic for another article). But which leads to the next choice: Buy Slabbed or Raw? Raw coins are what you find in pocket change. Slabbed coins are those that are Professionally Certified and Graded by an Independent Third Party. The coin is then placed in a slab, made of plastic, identified, labeled and sealed. It actually takes 3 Professionals to decide upon the Grade of a Coin. If Buying Raw Coins, You need to Know How to Grade a Coin. Even then, there will be Disputes about the Grade. When Buying a Slabbed coin, You Know the Grade. The Grade Becomes Virtually Undisputable! All references to Price in any resource are Based on Grading, which follows the Guidelines set by the ANA American Numismatic Association. Currently, there are only Four Companies that are Recognized for Strictly following these Guidelines: PCGS, NGC, ICG and ANACS. It is from these Professionals that one should buy slabbed coins. Buying Slabbed Coins is the First Rule of Serious Coin Collecting.

Obviously, one will be very limited in the years, mints, and varieties available from pocket change and bank rolls - both being local in nature. Even if starting with these means of collecting, always keep an open mind about other resources. So, a little future insight helps to decide that better resources will yield better coin collections. Most collections will span a greater range of years, than either pocket change or bank rolls can possibly produce. It is therefore imperative to investigate other resources.

Your Budget will usually determine the Grade of coin that you can afford to collect. MS63-MS65 is an Ideal range for collecting, not only because of the excellent condition and detail of the coins, greater availability, lower costs, and because coins in this range tend to Appreciate faster than other Grades. There item is very simple, and it has to do with the quality of the coin or how much you want to Spend per Coin - for an average coin, for an exceptional coin, or a perfect coin. Your budget will usually determine this factor, or, how much per month you can spend (per month?) for your new Investment. Never doubt that Coin Collecting is an Investment. Although it is easy to overlook the amount of time spent on this Endeavor because two of the main ingredients are Pleasure and Enjoyment. Confucius Say:

If you enjoy what you are doing, you will never work another day in your life.

Think of it as a Fund. You are trading Money for . . . Money that Grows and Gives Pleasure! Properly attended, this Fund can quite possibly put someone through college.

Lastly, decide whether to collect all of the coins in your Group including varieties and errors or just the Regular Issue Coins. Errors and Varieties can become extremely expensive and difficult to find. Most people will avoid them.

This Concept of Trading Money for Money is critically important because most people shy away from spending a little more, just to get the best. And I am talking about the best in quality of coin, no matter what the Grade or Price. In other words, get a Coin with the Grade it is Supposed to Have. This is the Only way to be sure of the Value of the Coin. Spend your Money Wisely. Get what you pay for. Until you become a Professional at Grading, rely on the Professional Graders. Whether you choose to collect Kennedy Proof Half Dollars, or Jefferson Nickels from pocket change, thanks to the Internet, you will find a huge selection available, on many different web sites, to give your Coin Collecting efforts a boost. Internet Web Sites will Forever Change Coin Collecting! Why? Because Top Quality Coins can be easily Bought and Sold by any body - since they are Slabbed!

Always Know Your Grade!

Robert L Taylor, JD
Copyright 2006, Robert L Taylor, JD

Robert Taylor is a 59 year old retired Lawyer, from Denver, CO, who spent most of his career representing people who could not afford an attorney, and who has had a passion for collecting US coins, particularly Morgan Dollars, since the age of 6. Wanting to share his Passion, he created http://www.ThePerfect-Coin.Com which features US Rare and Modern Dollars (from 1878) and Coins (from 1960), all Certified and Graded by NGC or PCGS. Annadiane Blog36143
Agretha Blog99576

Tips For Choosing The Right Computer Desk Furniture

Computers play a huge role in modern living. People worldwide spend hours seated before their computers for either work or entertainment purposes. However, spending so much time on your computer can cause health problems especially if you are forced to do so in an uncomfortable position. Its important to find computer desk furniture that wont harm you. Do not keep on using a desk that puts you in an unnatural position every time you use your mouse. A desk that sets your keyboard too high can cause an injury to your wrist that can develop into Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Computer desk furniture is available in retail furniture stores, home stores, department stores, and at office supply stores. Computer workstations are sets that often come with computer desk furniture like desks, chairs, and bookshelves. This station offers you spaces were you can conveniently place your monitor, keyboard, CPU, and a storage space. You can buy the pieces separately if you find that a workstation becomes inadequate for your needs.

You can find pieces that you need or mix and the match the pieces until you put together a set that is suitable for you. You can also find computer desk furniture online through the Internet. Although purchasing online may include shipping costs, you can find sites that offer free shipping. They will then deliver the furniture to your home where you can assemble it yourself.

You can choose from a variety of colors and wood type when you purchase computer desk furniture. Some of the wood used are natural but most are made out of a type of pressed wood. The natural wood costs more but they are also more attractive. Since the humidity of your area might warp the wood so it is important to find a type of wood that will match the climate of your home.

Its also important to maintain your computer desk furniture by polishing the wood regularly. Durability and safety are issues you should keep in mind, especially if you have children at home. Possible dangers like sharp corners should be inspected before making any purchase.

If youre not satisfied with the computer desk furniture that is available on the market, you can have it built specially for you. It may cost more than buying ready-made pieces, but if you can afford it you can have one that built exactly the way you want it.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning computers. Get more information by visiting Blog74117
Ally Blog56586

Using Dropship to Buy and Sell Electronics and Other Products

As consumers, the Internet has given us unprecedented opportunities to shop for virtually all types of products from the comfort of our homes. Whether we're in the market for electronics or a new computer, jewelry or a handbag, or household items or toys, it only takes a few clicks of our mouse to find what we need. At the same time, one of the challenges of shopping online is the timeliness with which our orders are fulfilled.

The supply chain of online stores is such that they often stock inventory on an "as needed" basis. That means that if you order a radar detector, for example, the online store may not have it in stock. The store may have to wait for their radar detector supplier to ship it to the seller, who in turn must ship it to you. That can mean delays ranging from several days to several weeks.

Some online merchants, however, use what is called dropship. This means that when you place your order, it goes directly to the manufacturer or supplier. The manufacturer or supplier, in turn, ships the product directly to you. So if you ordered both electronics and toys from the same online merchant, for example, you would get two shipments: one from the electronics supplier and one from the toy manufacturer. One advantage of dropship is that it bypasses the middleman (the online merchant) and cuts down the time your order reaches your doorstep. Another advantage of dropship is that your order won't be held up by a backorder. In the example used above, your electronics will be shipped to you even though your toys may not be immediately available.

If you are an online merchant, dropship also offers a number of advantages. First, and most importantly, you don't have to stock inventory. This means that you don't have to rent space to store inventory, that you don't have to track inventory, and that you don't have to deal with the time and hassle of setting up a shipping department and shipping merchandise to your customers.

Dropship also allows you to sell a wide variety of products. Because you don't have to stock merchandise, and instead can rely upon suppliers and manufacturers to do order fulfillment for you, your online store can carry everything from jewelry and handbags to computers and household items. You'll never have to worry about how much of any particular item you need to order, and you'll never have to deal with excess inventory. Reliable dropshippers will fulfill your customers' orders quickly and efficiently, thus enhancing your reputation as an online seller.

Because online merchants who dropship don't have the overhead expenses incurred by merchants that carry inventory, they can pass along the costs savings to their customers. As a result, customers can get terrific bargains, often buying electronics and other items at near-wholesale prices.

Chris Robertson is a published author of Majon International. Majon International is one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing and internet advertising companies on the web. Visit their main business resource web site at: http://www.majon.comCassandre Blog66160
Blakeley Blog21113

The Duty of Disclosure

The duty is on the insured to disclosure any material fact to the insurer. Basically the insured should know their own details. The life insurance insurer who may know nothing about the insured to begin with can not be expected to ask all the relevant questions. So whilst the insurer should ask sensible questions it is under UK law still incumbent of the insured to advise a material fact.

A material fact is basically any fact which may make an insurer charge more or less premium or a fact which may make the insurer decline or accept the risk or only take the risk subject to additional conditions.

As an insured you can not hide a material fact simply because the insurer did not ask the right question.

So initially the onus is on you to provide all relevant information. However the law is also there to protect you as well. There have been several agreements between the major life insurance insurers and governing bodies and trade associations whereby insurers are required to point out your obligations to advise material facts. Insurers are expected to ask questions about those matters which have commonly proved to be material.

Generally courts would not expect you to disclose a fact which on the face of it would not be considered material on its own. There was a case where a person was having occasional headaches but thought they were just that and did not attribute anything else to the matter. Now an experienced doctor may consider the headaches as perhaps the possible on set of symptoms of a more serious nature and therefore request further investigation. But in that particular case the court held that the insured had no reason to believe the worse. He had no reason to believe that these headaches might be a material fact instead he thought that they were just an occasional headache. The court held that a reasonable man would not be expected to know that the occasional headache might be material. So the insured knew of the fact but would not have been expected to know that it was material.

The courts however considered that an insured whose doctor had sent him to the hospital for a kidney problem should have advised his insurer even if the insured was not aware how serious the situation might have been at the time. The question of materiality was not based on the insureds ability to judge if the fact was material but on that of the life insurance insurer who had access to professional advice. In this case the insured knew of the fact and we assume also considered that it might be material, but decided to use his judgment on whether or not it was material. Another court case determined that the information is based on the insureds knowledge and does not require him to make extensive investigation before answering the question.

The duty of disclosure continues until the contract of insurance is concluded. So information that you learn about whilst the proposal form is still being considered should be advised.

So as a general rule advise all details which could be material. It is not your job to decide what might or might not be material. If you learn of something late in the day before the contract is concluded then still advise it. If you do not then the risk is that the policy may not be valid and if a claim was presented it may not get paid.

The author is Keith Clark who acts as a compliance consultant for Free to Work Consultancy. Keith is a Fellow of the Charted Insurance Institute.

This article was written on the 15th February 2007. This article does not represent financial advice as each persons individual requirements will be unique to their needs. If there is something in the article which you which to rely on then please check those details with any person from whom you purchase a term life policy at the time of purchase. The views in this article represent those of the author and not those of Netbasic Limited.

Luke Ashworth is the founder of which helps you search for life insurance via the website Celeste Blog52321
Annaliese Blog89205

How to Write Music and Where to Begin

Despite my somewhat underwhelming reputation in the music business, I have been asked on occasion usually by woefully uninformed novices how to write music. Wow, this is kind of a heavy topic, I mean so many ways to address it. In order to save you from the unintelligible ramblings of someone who is not the most brilliant music theoreticians, I will skillfully side-step the technical aspects and move into the more esoteric aspects of writing good music.

Why are guys like Lennon and McCartney, Page and Plant and Sir Elton and Bernie Taupin so successful? I find that its because you have in these relationships the consummate lyricist and the consummate musician existing side-by-side. If Morrison was the poet, then Manzarek, Krieger and Densmore were the guys who set that poetry to music and they would not have been The Doors without that combination. It helps to know what youre stronger in. I, for example have worked with pretty fair lyricists and some good musicians, and I find that I definitely fit in the lyricist category. I once heard The Edge of U2 comment that most of their songs were written on one string. Thats my philosophy, and Im not being entirely facetious in that. I can see the logic that a music writer goes through in developing a song, but for the life of me, I have not been able to replicate that in my own dabblings. Realizing your own limitations is half the battle. There are some extraordinary people who are capable of writing both music and lyrics, but these are few and far between (and what is the pompitous of love anyway). Find what you are good at and make that, either writing music or lyrics, your primary mission. Thats not to say that you should not do both, at least as an exercise in perspective. I think its extremely valuable to stretch yourself on a personal and professional basis, but its my opinion that you stand a better chance of scoring success long term by finding a philosophical Yin to your Yang. And it need not be only one person either. Many successful songs have been written as part of a group effort.

Once youve found your niche, its important to have a process in place for you to be productive. When I first realized that I would have to get a real job to put food on the table after college, I went into the information technology field. Now anyone who has worked in this area knows that they are really big on developing repeatable processes so that once theyve successfully done something, they can keep going back to do it the same way. As an artist at heart, I rebelled against this notion. It thwarts the creativity process, I railed. Well, turns out that they may have been on to something. While having things too tightly structured may be a hindrance to creativity, having a set way of going about songwriting in general may be a great help. For example, lets say you are a California band and you really want to emulate the Eagles, so you go into the studio with the mindset that youre going to write a Southern rock song in 4/4 time only using this standard set of chords. Chances are, youre going to be a pretty boring band. But, if you go into it saying, this is the style of music I feel comfortable with, were going to come in every day at 8:00 a.m., whether we feel like it or not, write until lunchtime, whether what we write is any good or not, and then after lunch write for a couple of more hours. By building that habit of writing at a certain time, for a certain amount of time, youre creating a process that will produce consistently good songs with some flashes of brilliance. The reason is not because the process itself makes you any better, but it does produce a considerable amount of work that lets you get your ideas down on paper. Later you can separate the wheat from the chaff, and you wont feel rushed to turn out a masterpiece in a day to fill in that last spot on the CD.

That in a nutshell is what I tell those who ask me for advice on writing music. When I reflect on what else I could have told them I keep coming back to the same conclusion, that if I had gotten down to the nuts and bolts of lyricism and musical structure, it really would not have helped much. All of the knowledge in the world will not help you if you do not have that spark. Theres a certain intuitiveness to songwriting that no one can teach. Its the same reason that I dont write music very well. I know chords, scales, structure and theory, but putting it all together escapes me. So I putter along and if I come up with an interesting progression, I go to my friend Steve and he takes it and runs with it. When hes done, he gives the finished product back to me and I add the lyrics. Its a system that works well, and although well never be famous, we have fun, because each of us knows our unique gift, and weve learned how to use them together.

Kenny Auyoung: - Looking for a band? Search through thousands of musicians profiles to find the right band members in your local area. Find musicians, start a band, and play music - http://www.getmeaband.comBarbie Blog33577
Anni Blog68956

TV Shows to Watch in Syndication

These days, it seems that shows really never go off the air: they live forever in syndication. Its not exactly the same, with every show labeled a rerun and being one you have likely seen (or maybe have memorized), but syndicated shows allow our favorite series to exist in places other than our hearts. Still, syndication isnt for every show, or at least it shouldnt be. The following is our list of the Best TV Shows to Watch in Syndication, shows that are constantly just as funny and just as endearing as they ever were.

Seinfeld: George. Kramer. Elaine. Jerry. A show about nothing was nothing but spectacular. From the Soup Nazi to Georges mother, from Uncle Leo to Elaines penchant for deciding if dates were sponge worthy, from Puddy to Peterman, Seinfeld touched on the absurdities of life in the most sensible manner. This show only gets better with age, unlike the marble rye bread Jerry stole from a helpless old lady.

The Simpsons: If Seinfeld were a cartoon, it would rival The Simpsons. Filled with a jumble of original characters (Heidily-ho, neighbor), The Simpsons continually remains animated in every sense of the word. Brilliantly written, it is filled with episodes you sometimes have to watch four or five times just to get every joke. This is one series that (when it does go off the air) will never get old.....much like the characters themselves.

Full House: Uh, just kidding. I know: how rude.

The Wonder Years: Generally thought of as a comedy, this show was filled with dramatic coming of age moments. Set in the late sixties and early seventies, it follows Kevin Arnold as he struggles with the trials of growing up. His family a hippy sister, a bullying brother, a stern father, and a stay at home mom his allergic to everything best friend, and his childhood crush all have importance in his life. A show that was heartfelt and honest, The Wonder Years is a series people can relate to at any age.

Saturday Night Live: Saturday Night Live has certainly had its ups and downs, with some episodes making us laugh till we cry and others making us long for a Golden Girls marathon to watch instead. But, the thing about SNL is when its good, its great. The series that brought us Nick the Lounge Singer, Waynes World, The Church Lady, Buckwheat, Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey, Matt Foley, Pat, the Spartan Cheerleaders, and Stuart Smalley, Saturday Night Live reruns are good enough, theyre smart enough, and doggone it, people like them.

Northern Exposure: One of those shows that just didnt get enough respect when it was on the air, syndication gives us a chance to right a wrong. A series that follows a New York doctor as he tries to make a life in a small Alaskan town, Northern Exposure was often bizarre, usually eccentric, but always original. It also had a unique way of being completely out there and totally real at the same time. The way it depicted the clash of people from different upbringings was right on the money. This is one show people will always be glad to expose themselves to, time and time again.

Jennifer Jordan is a senior editor for Possessing an infatuation with pop culture and a gift for stalking she keeps up on the latest news of the musical world. Aryn Blog47356
Calypso Blog234

How To Determine Which Cell Service Is Best For You

With every cell phone carrier advertising their latest cell phones and super plans, it gets more and more difficult to determine which one is the right one for you. How do you know? If you live in a major metro area or almost any larger city, the plans, service and coverage are going to be pretty much the same. But if your intended usage is outside the major metro areas or you will be using your cell phone all over the place because you plan to travel a lot with it, then this is where the rubber meets the road and the RIGHT plan takes significantly more scrutiny.

Before going any further, it is important to note that you need to define what you plan to do with your cell phone. Now with that said, throw that note away. What you really need to determine is what ARE you going to be using it for, and what capabilities and functionality do you REQUIRE (not just merely want or find somewhat cool or desirable) with your cell phone and cellular service? If you dont define this BEFORE you start shopping, it is almost inevitable that you are going to be spending more than you need to, perhaps to a significant degree.

The first thing to note is where you will be using your cell service the majority of the time. Find out what carriers have the best coverage in your area. Again, this is critical. For example, if you save $10 per month but the carriers coverage in your area is marginal, how useful is your cell service if you drop one out of 3 calls, and the other calls make you sound like you are calling from the bottom of a bathtub?

Regarding the actual cell phone, unless you are just dying for a particular model phone (and you should not be), choose the cell carrier before you choose which phone you need. There are very few cell phones that have features that are particular to only one carrier.

Standard equipment would be a decent battery life giving you about 3 hours of talk time. The built-in cameras take pictures of a quality that is merely ok and will not win any awards, and you will likely use that feature minimally if at all after the novelty wears off. The ability to be an MP3 player? Bag it it will drain your battery faster and does not deliver the quality of an MP3 player that was actually DESIGNED to be an MP3 player. It provides 10-15 seconds of full motion video? Yawn. You wont use it after the novelty wears off, but you WILL be paying for that functionality. It has a built in PDA with organizer functions? It will kill your battery life.

Bottom line on the cell phone itself: let the cell phone function as a cell phone, and dont try to force it into performing functions that it was not designed to do, because that will only drive up the price, and it will not do any of those things as well as a device that was designed to do them.

Lets say you have narrowed your carrier choices down to 2, maybe 3. Now lets look at the plans. Who will you be calling mostly? T-Mobile has plans that allow you to select 5 people that you call most frequently and gives you unlimited minutes to call them. Sprint and Verizon usually allow you to call other cell customers of theirs on an unlimited basis. What about nights and weekends? Most carriers provide unlimited nights and weekends. Note that despite the position of the sun in the sky, night doesnt start until 9:00pm, or with Sprint and an extra $5 per month, night can begin at 7:00pm.

How many anytime minutes do you need? Be generous here, because you could be paying as much as 30 cents per minute or more as soon as you go over your allotted anytime minutes. Yes, every time you call your voicemail from your cell phone, that goes against your anytime minutes.

Finally, your best bet is to buy online. In this age of immediate satisfaction, your desire is to waltz into the cellular carriers retail store, and walk out of there talking on your shiny new cell phone. Dont do it. Go into the retail store to get a hands-on view of the phones you are considering, but with the spotlights, the shiny chrome cases, and a sales rep smiling like hes auditioning for Jaws, avoid the temptation. You can always find at least an EQUIVALENT deal online, and very frequently the online resource will also throw in some extras like a carrying case, a car power adapter, a travel adapter, and a hands-free kit, which would cost nearly another $100 if you get it at the carriers retail outlet.

Bottom line: define what you want and be smart about it. A cell phone can be a great thing, but you need to feel good about having done the proper research to get a great deal on it.

Jon Arnold is a computer engineer who maintains many websites to pass along his knowledge and findings. You can read more about cell phones and cellular plans at his web site at Aubry Blog20536
Aura Blog7362

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Courses?

There are both advantages and disadvantages of online courses. We are in a whole new era of learning where everything is available on the internet. Although it is a rich source of knowledge, online learning is not for everyone.

Advantages of Online Courses

Online courses are a form of distance learning. The courses are portable and available where you are. You don't have to go somewhere to take the course; it comes to you. You can access an online course at the time and place that is most convenient to you. You can move around, be transferred anywhere in the world or travel extensively and still access online classes.

Another advantage of online learning is that you can go at your own pace. Whether your busy schedule leaves you little time for learning, or you need more time to learn a particular concept, or you want to accelerate through the material, online learning offers the flexibility you need.

Typically, online courses are structured for adult learning. That makes it easier for most people to learn the material and helps you apply the material in the real world. You learn what you need to know when you need to know it.

E-learning is often used for workplace training because workers can take the class when it is most convenient and workers can access information when they need it to do their jobs.

Online courses are usually more affordable than traditional courses. Not only are the course fees often lower, but you also don't have transportation costs to figure into the mix.

Disadvantages of Online Courses

Online learning has some disadvantages, too. Some people learn better in a traditional classroom. They need the live interaction with an instructor and other students. Online classes may try to simulate classroom interaction, but they cannot duplicate it.

In order to succeed at online learning, you have to have some specific skills. You have to be self-motivated, responsible for your own learning and have good time management skills. If you don't have those skills, traditional classes may be a better choice for you.

One huge disadvantage of online courses, especially if you are talking about e-learning grids and virtual educational communities, is accessibility. Not everyone has ready access to a computer with an internet connection. Without that access, online learning is hard.

Online education is so portable and flexible for so many people that it's easy to miss the disadvantages. If online education were the best choice for every person every time, we wouldn't need brick-and-mortar schools, would we? There are both advantages and disadvantages of online courses.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of where you can find the best online courses and degrees to suit your needs.Barbey Blog51531
Candis Blog48432

Ruby Jewelry Proves To Be A precious Find For July Babies

The ruby, which symbolizes contentment, is a precious gemstone that also serves as the birthstone for the month of July. By definition, a ruby is a precious gem that consists of corundum in color varieties varying from deep crimson to purple to pale rose. When it comes to gemstones, there are both semi-precious and precious. As one might imagine, the list of precious gemstones is a small one and consists only of ruby, sapphire, emerald and diamond. Because the ruby is one of the more rare gems in existence, it is also one of the more expensive. For this reason, many jewelry lovers turn toward the synthetic ruby in order to enjoy the look without spending a fortune.

When it comes to gemstone jewelry, clarity is important. Rubies, like all gems, tend to have inclusions. Genuine rubies are highly prized, especially when they are found to be clear and in the deeper shades of red. Synthetic rubies are one alternative that allows women to enjoy the look of a flawless ruby. Since having first been developed in 1837, the process of creating synthetic rubies has improved greatly and has allowed for a recreation that features both the physical and chemical properties of a genuine ruby.

At Almost Diamonds, a popular online retailer specializing in sterling silver jewelry, buyers are sure to find a dazzling selection of styles at prices that are sure to outshine the competition. From earrings and necklaces to bracelets and rings, Almost Diamonds has a variety of choices that feature both clear and colored cubic zirconia designs, along with genuine gemstones. Because the jewelry is available in sterling silver, which is a precious metal, you will be wearing something that can last a lifetime.

So, you werent born in July and you still like the look of ruby jewelry? Jewelry lovers around the world enjoy adding as much color to their collection as possible, so dont hesitate to purchase your favorite design and wear it proudly. Ruby jewelry, either genuine or synthetic, will make a wonderful gift for yourself or someone that you love.

Speaking of love, many weddings are held in the month of February in honor of Valentines Day. This means that, because the traditional valentine colors are red and white, a piece of ruby jewelry would make a wonderful bridesmaids gift, but would also be an ideal gift for someone that you love in celebration of the February 14th holiday. Because this is also a popular day for engagements, a ruby solitaire would also make for a unique ring to present to the bride-to-be. In fact, many couples are choosing alternate gemstones in their engagement ring.

In conclusion, the ruby is a highly-respected gemstone that has earned the honor of being named as one of the few precious gems in existence. If you happen to be born in the month of July, wear your ruby jewelry with pride in knowing that you are also precious. Afterall, isnt that how our jewelry is supposed to make us feel? When you wear something as spectacular as a ruby, you will shine just as brightly as your jewelry.

Melanie Spark Catherina Blog58284
Amanda Blog6249

How to Make Shopping For Low Cost Family Health Insurance Less "Painful"

Shopping for low cost family health insurance does not have to be an overwhelming process. Granted, it's no day at the beach; but if done with some careful planning, the process can be less "painful."

First, it's important to understand the "jargon." That is, a family health insurance policy is actually an individual policy, as opposed to a group policy, that has been issued for a family. Therefore, when shopping for low cost health insurance for your family, you're actually searching for an individual policy that will be issued for you and your family.

Second, when shopping for low cost health insurance, it is important to realize that there are ways to keep costs down.

For example, if your family is generally healthy, you may want to choose higher out-of-pocket options for items such as deductible, copayments, and coinsurance. By doing so, you can expect to see a significant reduction in your premiums.

Another way to reduce your health insurance costs is to pay your premiums annually. Since it requires a significant initial payment, this may not be a realistic option for some. Nevertheless, if you can afford to prepay your premiums, you may be able to avoid paying service fees and possibly realize a prepayment discount. Be sure to ask your insurance agent about this possibility.

In addition, you may want to think twice about buying supplemental health insurance. In many cases, supplemental insurance offers coverage for items that are already included in your main plan. If you think you way need a supplemental health policy, be sure to discuss this with your agent thoroughly before making any final decisions.

Third, and last, whether you're just trying to get the best deal for health insurance and finances are not a significant limiting factor, or price is a significant limiting factor, you should know is that the health insurance industry in the U.S. is heavily regulated. While regulations may vary from one state to another, health insurance premiums are regulated by each state Department of Insurance.

What this means to you is that you will pay the same monthly premium for the same plan whether you buy from a local agent, an Internet company, or the insurance company itself. Logically then, the best way to end up with the policy best suited for you and your situation is to obtain and then review multiple health insurance quotes.

Shopping for low cost family health insurance can be quite a shock for the unprepared. So, to be ready, educate yourself by using the volumes of information available on the Internet. Look for ways to keep costs to a minimum, such as prepaying premiums, selecting a higher deductible, and not purchasing insurance you will not use, . By working smarter, not harder, you will be maximizing your odds of ending up with a quality and affordable health insurance plan.

Jonathon James has been working in the health insurance industry for nearly twenty years. For additional tips and information about low cost family health insurance, please be sure to visit Blog50562
Beth Blog11758

Home Security Has Come A Long Way In The Past Century

Having top-notch home security can mean the difference between feeling vulnerable and feeling in control of your home and family. Home security has come a long way in the past century; as burglars have become more sophisticated, so have the means to repel them.

The Garza family of Houston, Texas thought their home was secure. They locked their doors. They lived in a good neighborhood. What more home security should they need? But one Friday afternoon they came home to a broken window and a ransacked house. Their TV, other electronics, even the kids bikes, were gone. How could this happen in broad daylight? Asks Ed Garza. The criminals are getting braver.

Clever Criminals

They arent only getting braver, theyre getting smarter. Criminals watch families closely to learn their habits, when theyre home, when theyre not. Forty percent of break-ins occur in the middle of the day while the family is at work or school. Burglars know that during the day there are likely to be fewer people around to keep an eye on the neighborhood, and they can treat homes like candy shops. Night is no longer the common criminals only time on the job. They prowl at all hours, so your home security system must be ready and in place 24 hours a day.

Home security is moving beyond strong locks and a guard dog and requires more vigilant standards. With burglars coming out into the day time and carefully planning their not-so-random attacks, safeguarding your home with a complex home security system requires you to put as much thought into it as the burglars do.

The basics: strong locks, trimmed back bushes, and nosy neighbors, are a good start, and you should make those the foundation for your home security system. But these days, a home security system requires a comprehensive network of components working together to protect your family from burglaries, fires, and other emergencies.

How a Wired or Wireless Home Security System Works

Wired or wireless, an alarm home security system does two things: when triggered, it not only lets out a shrill noise to draw attention to your home and scare away the intruder; it also alerts security personnel to the security breach and sends help right away.

There are many kinds of alarm home security systems. You can choose an alarm home security system that detects motion or an alarm home security system that detects window breakage or door entry.

Motion Sensor Home Security System

A motion sensor home security system detects unauthorized movement in or around your home. A motion sensor home security system senses infrared energy given off by a person in a secured area. On many motion sensor home security systems, an alarm is signaled only when the sensor is armed and the viewed energy has the correct temperature, motion, and timing associated with a burglar, thus safeguarding against false alarms. This sophisticated type of home security system is pet-proof, so Fido or Fluffy wont set off a false alarm, while Bruno the Burglar will be caught in the act.

A Window Break Home Security System

The other kind of alarm home security system is the window break home security system. Burglars love to break into windows, which, compared to doors, are much less secure. But a window break home security system detects when the glass is broken or the window is open without authorization, preventing burglars from simply smashing in a window and coming inside. If the Garza family had this sort of home security alarm system, chances are the burglar would have run away before stealing anything.

This type of home security system reduces the incidence of false alarms and break-ins. Simply affix the sensor to your window and it will safeguard your home.

Benefits of Any Home Security System

When you install a home security system in your home, you will enjoy decreased home insurance rates because insurance companies like knowing you have taken active steps to prevent damage and property loss in your home. Some home security system software also monitors your home and family for protection from fire and health emergencies as well.

A home security system can be a direct line to 911 -- the police, fire department, or ambulance. In the event of a break-in or other sudden emergency while you are home, you can hit the panic button and help will be on the way, thanks to your home security system.

The benefits of installing a home security system include:

(1) Permanent, 24-hour surveillance
(2) Pet-immune" motion sensor systems available
(3) Security fits any size home
(4) Coded security power on/off puts you in control

A Wireless Security Camera Home Security System

You have alarms, now how about some extra watchful eyes to guard you? A wireless camera home security system monitors you home with video surveillance that can capture any unsavory activity that can be used in court or used to protect your family from activities that may have otherwise gone unnoticed.

Benefits of a Wireless Security Camera Home Security System

(1) Easy to set up
(2) Cost efficient personal surveillance system
(3) Transportable, can move from room to room or house to house
(4) Send signals through walls and floors

A wireless security camera makes video surveillance easy, portable, and cost effective. Have your eyes peeled all the time with a wireless security camera.

Check out all we have in wireless security camera technology.

We also have wired security cameras for more permanent home security system surveillance.

Fire Alarm Home Security System

A home security system should include security from fires as well as from foe. Fires are a real threat to your home and family. Consider these statistics:

1) There were 1,584,500 fires in the United States in 2003,

2) Fires resulted in 3,925 deaths, 18,125 injuries, and $12.3 billion in damages,

3) Residential fires represented 25.4% of all fires and 77.4% of structural fires.

Fire alarms are a key part of your home security system. A fire alarm home security system alerts your family to danger and gets them safely out of the house. The early alert of a fire alarm home security system can also prevent a fire from actually destroying the structure of your home, protecting not only your loved ones but your house and whats inside. Home fire alarms should be a standard feature of your home security system.

Home fire alarms belong in every bedroom, plus the hallway, kitchen and den. At a very low cost, home fire alarms save thousands of lives a year. Theres simply no reason for home fire alarms not to be in every home security system in America.

The Power of a Comprehensive Home Security System

This combination of fire alarm, video surveillance, and 24-hour security monitoring will ensure that your home is under the utmost protection of a complex, sophisticated home security system. The Garzas learned their lesson the hard way. Dont wait until its too late to start fending off burglars- outwit them at their own game by preventing all of their usual tricks. A little thought goes a long way in building a successful home security system.

Ralph Winn has over 32 years of experience in the security industry. Throughout his career, he has developed cost effective security programs for numerous small, medium, large commercial and government properties and for many nationally known corporations. Blog89872
Aurlie Blog14673

10 Easy Weight Loss Tips

Your resource to helping you lose weight and become healthy

1) Since you wish to lose weight, your target = BMR - 500 kcal Work out your BMR basal metabolic rate - this is to define how many calories your body will require per day. By having too many calories you will simply put on weight, having less than you require will help you to lose weight. Body weight (lb) x 15 + (moderate activity [mins/pday] x 3.5) as you want to lose weight then your target = BMR-500 kcal.

2) Fruit for breakfast - Try eating fruit for breakfast! Fresh fruit - apples, grapefruit, strawberries, cherries, oranges, kiwi, melon, and grapes all count. In fact, any fruit works - and there are so many to choose from. Eating fruit for breakfast will get you on the road to having a healthier body right away. Fruit in its raw form is full of vitamins and minerals and will give you lots of energy and also it is low in calories.

3) Eat slowly - When we eat slowly, the process of chewing and mixing foods in our mouth with saliva is the first step in digestion. The more we chew our foods, the less work is needed to digest them. For people who are constantly experiencing bloating, stomach pain or heartburn after eating, they are eating too fast and are causing indigestion. The other benefit of eating slowly is to prevent over eating. By eating slowing, we allow the stomach to signal the brain when we have eaten enough before we have eaten too much. For people who want to eat less, eating slowly is most effective.

4) Regular exercise - For the best results, add exercise to your plan. Regular exercise not only expends energy as you're doing it, but can also lead to increases in your basal metabolic rate, so you'll burn more Calories even at rest. High-intensity exercises burn the most Calories, but don't select exercises solely on their fat-burning potential. Instead, pick exercises (i.e. sports activities) that you enjoy, and want to incorporate into your daily routine.

5) Portion size - You can lose weight and still eat your favorite foods! Just decrease your portion sizes by half. For example, if you are used to eating a whole baguette or sub sandwich at lunch, just eat half and supplement your meal with raw veggies on the side and finish of with some fresh fruit. Then wait to see if you're still hungry. If you pause after eating the first half and allow yourself a few minutes to feel satiated, you just may find you're too full to eat the other half anyway.

6) Natural foods - natural foods are so much better than processed foods as they contain more goodness in the way of vitamins and minerals, they are lower in fat and do not contain any hidden harmful additives such as preservatives and pesticides. A lot of processed foods contain a lot of hidden sugars which will make you put on weight.

7) Indulgence - Don't feel guilty about giving yourself a treat from time to time, just make sure you keep an eye on the quantity and frequency of it. If you deny yourself any treats then you are more likely to relapse into your old unhealthy ways.

8) Watch out for sugary drinks - many fruit drinks contain hidden added sugars. Juices, pop, cream & sugar in your coffee or tea all add up. Opt for drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. In addition to providing hydration to your body, it will also help you feel full.

9) Keep a journal - Keeping a food journal helps you pin point your eating pattern and will enable you to easily modify it. If possible, have your Registered Dietitian review your journal.

10) Do not skip meals - Eating small frequent meals help to balance your calorie intake throughout the day and also keeps your blood sugar level balanced. Instead of eating 3 big meals, try to eat 5 - 6 smaller meals throughout the day. If you cut back and miss too many meals your body will go into a starvation mode and subsequently hang onto its fat stores.

Spencer Cuckney, fitness expert, certified personal trainer with over 15 years experience and founder of Fitnessmaster offers 1-2-1 personal training, online training, nutrition services and specialized fitness services that fit your budget and schedule.Alisha Blog97492
Cathyleen Blog31233

Jobs for U.S. Veterans at Leading Intelligence Service Firm

Leading Intelligence Support Service Firm Seeks to Hire U.S. Veterans

OMNIPLEX World Services Corporation Joins

by Gordon Gates

OMNIPLEX World Services Corporation, a leader and innovator in delivering professional intelligence support services, is reaching out to hire qualified U.S. Veterans. OMNIPLEX provides investigative and physical security services to corporations and government agencies located throughout the world. It is a privately held company based in Chantilly, Virginia, with annual revenues of over $100 million.

OMNIPLEX is also a Top-100, minority-owned firm. It is a ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System certified firm. They are one of the fastest-growing minority-owned enterprises in the country, employing more than 3,500 professionals worldwide, each with diverse skills and disciplines supporting our security and investigative services to government agencies and Fortune 500 companies.

History: Growth, Accomplishments

Julien G. Patterson founded OMNIPLEX in August 1990, selecting highly qualified and motivated professionals who shared his values and vision to guide the company into what is today a $100 million-a-year organization that specializes in background investigations and physical security services for the federal government, Fortune 500 companies, and regional business entities. Since our inception, OMNIPLEX has always had a positive cash flow, offered competitive wages, and provided a generous benefits package to our employees. We consider people our most important resource. With more than 3,500 professionals worldwide, we have received numerous awards and were recognized in 2006 as one of Greater Washington, D.C.'s Top 15 "Best Places to Work" by the Washington Business Journal.

The following is a partial alphabetical listing of businesses and government agencies to which OMNIPLEX has provided services:

ISO 9001:2000 Certification
OMNIPLEX is ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System certified. The ISO 9001 quality control standard exceeds commercial best practices, is our defacto quality standard, and is an integral part of our operating culture, policies and procedures.

The ISO 9001 standard is an internationally recognized quality management system developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). To be certified, OMNIPLEX instituted a Quality Management System (QMS), with corresponding procedures detailing both the administrative and operational workflow requirements, and the necessary activities to deliver a high level of service to meet customer requirements. The ISO 9001 certification tells our customers that OMNIPLEX operates a QMS in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard.

"Right People. Right Values." is the company's founding principle and guides every aspect of the business, from the employees they select to the customers and communities they serve and support. Each and every employee is committed to the central tenets of honesty and integrity.
OMNIPLEX also operates OMNISEC International Investigations, Inc., (an OMNIPLEX wholly owned subsidiary). It is one of the largest investigative service contractors in the United States. OMNISEC Investigators perform personnel security background investigations, pre-employment screening and business due-diligence services. We are one of the few companies chosen to perform national-scope background investigations directly for the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security and civilian agency components of the U.S. Government. They provide a wide variety of armed and unarmed physical security support services for hundreds of thousands of civilian, military and government personnel.

OMNISEC provides total security solutions including staffing, planning and managing complex and intricate security installations and physical protection in the following settings:

Government facilities
Military operations
Embassy compounds
Manufacturing plants
Industrial settings
Office buildings
And other commercial and government settings
"OMNIPLEX was built upon the belief that there is a moral high ground in business. Our customers know that our mission statement is grounded to that value. Our success is guided by this principle, and it reflects our commitment to quality and continuous improvement and is validated in our client satisfaction ratings and sustained annual growth." Julien Patterson, President and CEO

The OMNIPLEX team is made up of thousands of talented individuals around the world all of them committed to excellence, honesty and integrity. OMNIPLEX is one of the largest and fastest growing minority-owned enterprises in the world, offering a vast array of exciting career opportunities in a wide range of challenging fields.

They offer world class benefits to qualified U.S. Veterans including:

Comprehensive medical/hospitalization/prescription coverage
Comprehenisve dental coverage
Vision Coverage
Basic Life & Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance
Cancer insurance (optional)
Intensive Care Insurance
Long Term Care Insurance
Short and Long Term Disability Insurance
Voluntary Dependent Life Insurance
Accidental Death and Dismemberment and personal accident insurance
401 K plan with matching contributions
Direct payroll deposit
Paid vacations and holidays
Section 125 Pre-tax Premium Conversion Plan
Family Medical Leave
Bereavement Leave
Jury Duty Leave
OMNIPLEX also offers corporate and team activities that enhance camaraderie, fellowship and build teamwork. Additionally, they support employee activities for everything from charitable functions and contributions, to community outreach programs. They encourage their employees to give back to the community and support organizations nationwide. "

Career Advancement Opportunities are Unlimited

Right People. Right Values. is at the core of all that OMNIPLEX does for its' customers and employees. And, equally important, because they believe in promoting from within, OMNIPLEX is an ideal choice for those looking for a career, not just a job.

Their frequent, regular performance reviews, and employee development and incentive programs are all designed to help advance employees' careers. Furthermore, they support employees in their quest for professional advancement, providing training programs, seminars and educational and technical opportunities to help employees get ahead.

View and Apply to OMNIPLEX jobs on

More Jobs from Omniplex

Official OMNIPLEX web site

Gordon Gates is Senior Recruiting Consultant at http://www.HireVeterans.comAndra Blog57167
Alessandra Blog26164

Data Recovery Over Hard Disk Failure

Hard Disk: An Introduction

Hard Disks are used to store information. All information on computers are stored in files. Hard disks store the majority of information on today's modern computer. Hard disk drives (HDDs) can be critically damaged by static electricity, shock, and other factors, often resulting in failure or the loss of valuable data. In many cases it may become necessary to recover information from your hard drive. Such retrieval is quite possible.

Hard Disk Failure

*Physical Failures

Physical failure occurs from sudden switch off, power failure, sliding them off desks and cheap components. As for data loss, data is only magnetic impulses on the surface of a hard disk. And ridiculously small bits of magnetism at that! When the magnetic impulse fades, or changes position, trouble starts.

Drive Alignment Drift is another cause of problems. Mechanical devices are subject to wear and tear, heat and cold, loosening tolerances etc.

The small changes in the read/write heads wouldn't matter usually, as data still gets written in the same place as it will be read later. However, there is some data that hardly ever gets re-written, and that is the Sector ID Headers.

*Logical Failures

Master Boot Record Failure

Technically, when the Master Boot Record is working correctly, the master boot code scans the partition table for the active partition, finds the starting sector, loads a copy of the boot sector from the active partition into memory and then transfers control to the executable code in the boot sector. If the master boot code cannot complete these functions, the system displays a message similar to the MBR error.

*Boot Sector Failure

The boot sector is a region of a hard disk, floppy disk, and other similar data storage device. It is loaded to memory and executed as a part of the bootstrap sequence. The boot sector contains a small computer program that is loaded on the operating system into memory and transfers the control.

Most boot sector failure occurs by the defection of boot sector virus. Boot sector viruses are usually spread by infected floppy disks. In the past, these were usually bootable disks, but this is no longer the case. A floppy disk does not need to be bootable to transmit a boot virus. Any disk can cause infection if it is in the drive when the computer boots up or shuts down.

*Accidentally Deleted Data

Some time some how you may delete a file thinking we don?t need it any more, but in a week or or two you may realize that it is a needed one. It happens to the best of us, but fortunately there are ways to get these lost files back.

When it comes to data on your computer, it is almost impossible to accidentally remove it beyond recoverability. Even if you are intentionally trying to completely wipe a file from your hard drive it is exceedingly difficult.

*Cross Linked Files

A file system error that corrupts the contents of an existing file by writing data from another file into the same cluster. Running Scandisk or a similar program cleans up the problem, but one of the files is no longer usable.

*Bad Sectors

It is a portion of the Hard disk that cannot be used any more. If a part of the disk get bad sector which contains data then those data is to be recovered before use. When you format a disk, the OS will mark all the unusable sector as bad sector, however, this does not affect the overall performance of the disk as the damaged space is considered unusable.

Hard Disk Data Recovery

*Replace the (Circuit Board) PCB

Upon a Hard Drive circuit board failure, it is possible to get back the data by carefully replacing the PCB of the hard drive.

*Replace the Firmware

Hard disk firmware is the information that is used by the computer that allows it to correctly interact with the hard disk. It may be replaced or updated by the matching firmware.

*Replace the Head Stack

There are common situation that may be due to head failures. There is a small chip located in the head stack that is called PREAMPLIFIER. Working with preamplifiers always includes some difficulties, because, practically, they can not withstand static discharges. If re-soldering is needed, one should follow a number of rules to protect a preamplifier from static damage caused by careless finger touching. Although this task is very risky and it should be done in a high secured lab specially created for this task.

*Move the disk to another Drive

In some cases complete functionality of the Hard drive may be disabled while only the internal disk plate is without any damages or errors. In those situations, it is possible to move the disk to another drive.

*Spin-Stand Testers

Hard drive manufactures and their head media; preamplifier and read channel suppliers do have very accurate, very expensive "magic machines" called Spin-Stands. These are used for testing and experimenting with heads and disks. They are used mostly by researcher and development departments.

*Magnetic Force Microscopes (MFM)

Magnetic force microscopy is a powerful tool for high-resolution magnetic imaging of most data storage media. As the density of magnetic media is higher, the bit becomes smaller than the wavelength of light, so optical techniques can not resolve it. General MFM is capable of imaging the magnetic domain of several tens of nanometers. Also, MFM is almost simultaneous with measuring the surface characteristics of topography and roughness of the same area with sub-angstrom vertical resolution.

Recovery Softwares

*SpinRite 6.0

SpinRite is a stand-alone DOS program designed to refurbish hard drives, floppy disks and recover data from marginally or completely unreadable hard drives and floppy disks and from partitions and folders which have become unreadable.

*Ontrack data recovery software

Ontrack Data Recovery offers the industry's highest quality and cost-effective do-it-yourself data recovery software solutions for almost any data loss situation covering servers, desktops or laptops for all media, operating systems and file types. Ontrack's EasyRecoveryTM family of products is unmatched in its ability to recover/repair from all causes of lost data.

*Recover My Files

Recover My Files data recovery software will easily recover deleted files emptied from the Windows Recycle Bin, or lost due to the format or corruption of a hard drive, virus or Trojan infection, and unexpected system shutdown or software failure.

For more Data recovery topics

Admin & PublisherAllis Blog47004
Bobbee Blog23203

Baby Shower Gift Ideas That Wont Put A Strain On Your Busy Schedule Or Your Budget

Is there anything more exciting than the arrival of a new baby? The instant the parents-to-be find out that theyre expecting, every moment in life takes on an added layer of meaning. Whether its thinking of names, planning a nursery or breaking the news to an older brother or sister, it seems that everything is suddenly a special event.

Of course the one thing new babies need the most is love, but the list of supplies and equipment that new parents need to outfit and care for their new arrival is mind-boggling! When trying to decide on a gift its easy to get overwhelmed especially if its a couples first child. Should you chip in with other friends or family members to get one of those big tickets items like a crib or a deluxe stroller? And if you get clothes, should you get stuff they can use right away, or those great toddler options that are out there?

Here are six other fun and functional baby gift ideas that wont put a strain on your busy schedule OR your budget:

Baby Album of Firsts

While the pregnancy itself may seem to take an eternity, once the baby is born, time flies by at warp speed! As new parents, theyre going to feel a longing to capture as many of the firsts as possible -- the babys first smile, laugh, roll over, solid food, crawl, word, step, tooth, etc. The list of events is endless, and so will the memories with a baby photo album of firsts. Thats why, as Founder of Adesso Albums I am passionate about helping parents capture the Now of their childrens most precious moments.


Okay, we know that once babies start eating real food its more like a bib-a-minute, but dont you think that new parents would appreciate a weeks worth of bibs? Check out the choices at your local baby or department or discount store. You can get the same bib in a variety of colors, go for a cute animal theme or get seven bibs that are completely different from one another. Does Dad or Mom have a favorite sport? Check online and youre sure to have an instant winner with an official team bib.

Bundle of Basics

Many essential baby products are small and inexpensive, and combining a whole bunch of them can make a terrific and useful gift. Baby lotion, shampoo, mild soap, diaper rash ointment, Vaseline, washcloths, itsy-bitsy fingernail clippers, a brush and comb set, tub toys, a teething ring the list goes on and on! You can put the goodies in a pretty basket, a small hamper, or just wrap it all up in a receiving blanket and youre good to go!

A Heap o Wipes

Any experienced parent knows that you can never have too many diaper wipes. So go to your local club/warehouse store and buy the biggest package of baby wipes you can find. (Go ahead, splurge, buy two!) Throw in an economy-sized box or two of diapers, wrap it all up with a big bow, and just like that youll have made things easier for harried new parents. It may not be the prettiest present they get, but its for sure the most practical!

Babys First Book

What was your favorite book when you were growing up? Odds are it was a classic that is still delighting youngsters today. If you still have that book and its in good condition you can add a handwritten inscription and youll have an instant heirloom. Or pick up a nice, new hardcover edition and add an inscription about what this book has meant to you. Since it will be a while before the baby will be able to appreciate the special book, consider adding a few inexpensive toddler board books that can be enjoyed sooner.

Gift Card

In a rush? Out of ideas? How about getting a gift card that the new parents can use at their local baby or department or discount store? That way youll know for sure that theyre getting what they want and need. Or for a sure-to-be-appreciated change of pace, buy a gift certificate for a nice local restaurant and offer to baby-sit one evening so that Mom and Dad can get some quality time for themselves and make SURE they go!

As Founder of Adesso Albums, Lesley Mattos, is passionate about helping people all over the world capture the Now in lifes most important moments. Of all the ways to welcome a new baby and capture those memories, the Adesso Album is the only baby album keepsake that provides an instant memory in both pictures and words. To create a memory keepsake for every first in your childs life, visit Cecile Blog60371
Candi Blog98240

3 Key Advantages of Buying iPod Products at a Discount Shopping Mall

Finding the iPod of your dreams is much easier now thanks to online discount shopping malls. Online malls offer many choices of brands, colors, styles, sizes and features that you may not find at a local retailer. Whether you're buying an iPod Nano with an LCD screen, and iPod video or other related electronics, you can almost always find what you need at an online mall, and often at a great price! Here are three advantages of buying an iPod at a discount shopping mall on the Web.

1. iPod Features and Benefits

When searching through an online discount shopping mall for an iPod, you can take your time and shop from your own home computer. You have time to read all the features and benefits, compare iPod brands carefully and even look at various styles and colors to find exactly what you need. Features of IPods might include an LCD monitor, song memory capabilities, menu selections, compatibility with iPod accessories, and control features for play, rewind, fast-forward, pause, etc.

Benefits can vary from one brand to the next. Some iPods are very small, even pencil-thin, so you can carry them around anywhere. Some iPods have fabulous sound quality. Others may offer lots of memory for storing up to 1,000 songs!

2. Discount Electronics

Another benefit of searching for your iPod at a discount shopping mall is you can hunt for online bargains. You might be surprised at how affordable on-sale electronics can be when you're shopping online. It's like having your own discount electronic store at your fingertips. There are amazing online bargains on items such as iPods, iPod videos, iPods with LCD monitors, iPod Nanos, digital cameras, MP3 players and other great electronic products.

Some discount shopping malls will include items such as headphones, cables, adaptors and helpful software with your iPod. You may have to dig deep to find the online bargains, but they're well worth the effort!

3. Shop for iPod Accessories

You can also shop for additional iPod accessories such as an iPod sleeve or other related products while at a discount shopping mall. If you can buy all your electronics products or accessories at one website, you'll save on shipping charges as well. Most discount shopping malls offer combined shipping rates for multiple orders. While shopping for an iPod, look around for other items you might need before clicking the "Checkout" button.

Keep these advantages in mind as you search for iPods or related electronics products. You can save time and money by taking advantage of a discount shopping mall on the Web!

Chris Robertson is a published author of Majon International. Majon International is one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing and internet advertising companies on the web. Visit their main business resource web site at: http://www.majon.comArdys Blog94507
Beitris Blog24566

iPod Vs. Zune: Music and Video Download Sites

There are many folks that hate both Apple and Microsoft portable media products. Apple makes iPod and Microsoft makes Zune. Fortunately for the consumer, there are other good portable media players out there now but do not have the same visibility as Apple and Microsoft products. Discussion about these other portable media players like SanDisks Sansa series and Creatives Zen series devices are beyond the scope of this article. This article is about basic iPod and Zune similarities and differences. In addition, sources for purchasing music online for iPod and Zune will be briefly discussed.

The iPod is a portable media players designed and marketed by Apple and released to the public in 2001. Currently, as a digital audio player, the iPod is the best-selling music player in history. Zune is Microsoft's digital audio player, released in 2006, directly competing with Apples iPod. Each of these portable media players deliver what it was intended to do which is to play music or audio, display images, and play video. Each has their pros and cons.

There are many Zune and IPod similarities and I will list major ones. They each have the same starting price of around $249, disk storage, picture capacity, screen resolution, and aspect ratio. They play audio, pictures, and video. They have USB connection (to another device, typically a computer), battery, and similar battery life.

Both devices support MP3, MP4, M4A, M4B (for audio), and MOV (for video) file formats. The Zune favors Windows Media Audio (WMA) while iPod has its protected AAC format. When it comes to exchanging files, you will need software tools to convert your iTunes files to MP3 or convert Zune WMA files to MP3. Both systems support JPGs (for still images) and MPGs (for video).

There are advantages that Zune has over iPod. Approximately 60 hours more video can be stored in the 30GB version. Zune has a larger screen size and is capable of portrait mode display. Zune has wallpaper, FM radio, wireless connectivity, and faster battery charge. Zune Plays WMA audio formats and WMV video formats. It has one more standard case color: brown!

There are advantages that iPod has over Zune. iPod plays games, is compatible with the Audible, Apple Lossless, AIFF, and WAV audio formats. It plays H.264, M4V, MP4, MOV, MPEG-4 video formats. It is slightly smaller and lighter than Zune. The iPod software works on PC and Mac. Zune only works with PCs.

The primary websites for music downloads are iTunes Store for iPod and Zune Marketplace for Zune. Both sites offer music downloads of 0.99 cents per song. With Zune Marketplace, you can buy a monthly subscription for $14.99 a month for unlimited downloads as long as you have a subscription.

But there are other online music stores out there so you are not limited to Apple and Microsoft. Do an online search for online music stores and determine what works for you.

The stores that I recommend are offered here and have one time fees:

For iPod music and video downloads, click on

For Zune music and video downloads, click on

Have fun with what ever portable media player you choose!

Argee Gallamoza is committed to helping others by providing straight forward information about consumer electronics. Bobbee Blog54375
Arleta Blog33676

Satellite TV For Beginners

DIY Satellite TV is Here !

Setting up and installing your own satellite TV system (whether portable satellite TV for travellers or fixed satellite TV for rural and outback areas) can be very enjoyable, rewarding AND can save you money.

The basic elements that make up a satellite TV system are:-

1- Satellite Dish
2- Satellite Dish Mount (portable or fixed is fine)
3- LNB (low noise block amplifier goes on the arm of the dish)
4- Satellite Receiver
5- Satellite Finder
6- Satellite Charts

Choosing the right satellite dish for your site is the most important factor. Dishes come in various sizes ranging from very small (in the centimeters) to many meters. In recent times with the increase in satellite transmission power people are able to get away with a much smaller dish then they did in the past. Typical size for coverage in many areas is 78 88 cms. (for the KU band if you are a beginner to satellite I recommend KU reception if it is available in your area). The LNB is the part on the end of the arm. It amplifies the very weak signals that are collected and reflected into it by the dish. This signal once amplified, is carried down the satellite cable to the satellite receiver. Here it is converted into a signal that your conventional television can understand. The satellite finder and charts are only used during the initial installation until you have a picture. The finder can then be removed. Your local satellite parts dealer will be best able to advise on the correct equipment and alignment procedures for your area. For people installing to the roof ensure you take all the necessary safety precautions. You are competent right? If you are in Australia consider visiting the aurora satellite tv website where you can find more free information.

Richard Banks is the owner of Aardvark Electronics and the developer of the Vansat Portable Satellite TV System Blog39805
Bernette Blog87434

How an Advanced Print Management and Spooling Solution Improves Printing in a Windows Server

In this case study, we will explore why a company needs a Print Management and Advanced Print Spooling solution like OM Plus to manage enterprise printing in their Windows Server Environment. The Windows Spooling System (WSS) is ubiquitous in large-scale Windows Server installations but there are very clear business cases where an advanced print management and spooling solution adds tremendous business value to document driven business processes.

Company For the purposes of this case study, we have consolidated multiple companies Windows printing challenges in order to present a more comprehensive picture of the benefits that OM Plus delivers.

Business Problem Most business processes require some type of output to be initiated and/or considered complete. This output is created by business applications (ERPs Financial Applications, HR Applications, Payroll Applications, etc.), and includes things like invoices, checks, financial reports, shipping and manufacturing related documents, etc. The output is usually delivered to its end destination (most commonly a printer) to initiate and/or complete the business process. Enterprise-based output printing is most often batch oriented and is distinguished from normal desktop printing by the fact that it is mission critical. It is more demanding; time sensitive and business processes can fall apart if the printing is not successfully completed and managed. It is extremely important to the completion of a business process to know that a document has printed. Cash is not collected if invoices dont print, goods are not shipped if the pick lists dont print, and vendors dont get paid if A/P checks dont print. What is the impact on your business if invoices dont get sent out even though your application sent them to the printer and assumes they printed?

The key business problem faced in a Windows Server environment is the lack of a robust print management and spooling system that has advanced, post-spooling functionality. The Windows Spooling System (WSS) works fairly well in terms of performing the duties for which it was designed, spooling print jobs and delivering them to a printer. However, advanced, post spooling functionality is virtually non-existent in WSS and this causes business problems. The Windows Spooling System lacks the post-spooling, batch printing tools that are needed to streamline document centric business processes in an enterprise class print management environment.

Key Technical Challenge Unfortunately, none of the Windows Server Operating Systems WSSs have been designed to handle the production delivery of documents across an enterprise or provide advanced post spooling document delivery functionality. These shortcomings of WSS impact business processes and add unnecessary support costs. Due to these shortcomings, problems arise with reliable and confirmed document delivery, centralized print management and control across dissimilar systems, document integration with electronic forms, and the supportability of the entire enterprises document delivery systems. Documents are lost, not delivered correctly or in a timely fashion and customer satisfaction or business processes suffer.

Additionally, because the Windows Spooling System (WSS) lacks post-spooling tools it cannot provide the following functions that are often necessary to successfully maintain an enterprise class print management environment. WSS does not provide:

Confirmation of the print job landing in the output tray-Assuring to the application that a document has been successfully printed

Automatic addition of print specific finishing commands without user intervention-Users can request finishing commands but this is not usually practical in large batch printing

Server level accounting-Who printed what, where and how much around the whole enterprise

Scalability of print infrastructure-After more than 150 print queues WSS scalability is questionable

Load Balancing-WSS can provide overflow load balancing but to get true round robin printing where all printers are shared equally, not just when the first one is busy, requires OM Plus

Document re-printing without having to re-create or re-spool the job-Since WSS purges the job after delivery to the printer buffer, there is not an easy way to re-print the job or portions of the job, without re-creating it and re-spooling it

Job priority controls-If a large job is dominating a printer, it is difficult to stop the job and allow others to print, then re-start the large job where it stopped with WSS

Auto fail-over and re-routing of jobs around failed printers-WSS can not automatically re-route a print job around a failed printe

Viewing in WYSIWYG after spooling, prior to printing-If a user wants to view the job without printing it, WSS does not provide a WYSIWYG view. This can be very useful and provide cost savings for jobs that only need to be viewed but not actually printed

The ability to block jobs automatically that are too large, unauthorized, or not to be printed on the mounted form-Business rules can not be set up in WSS so that jobs can be re-directed or put on hold when they are sent to a printer not suited to print the job, i.e. 1000 page report being sent to a desktop printer cannot be stopped, re-routed to a production size printer and then an e-mail sent to the report requester notifying them of the re-routing. With OM Plus this is possible

Re-printing from a specific page after the job has been delivered to the printer buffer-WSS will purge it when it is finished delivering the job to the printer, not when the last page is successfully printed, making it difficult to know exactly what page needs to print next. Critical need in check printing to print the next check correctly after a printer problem

Technical Solution The technical solution implemented at our customers with these business problems is OM Plus, the Advanced Print Spooling and Print Management solution from Plus Technologies.

At the heart of the OM Plus suite of product solutions is the OM Plus Server. It monitors all system activities and performs the core tasks associated with the delivery of documents such as, job scheduling, queue management, security, job status, printer administration and other system functions. It is constantly aware of all relevant system elements, queues, printers, fax servers, e-mail servers, pagers, web pages, archive systems, e-forms, document types, user authorities, servers, and priorities.

End-to-End Confirmation

OM Plus provides end-to-end confirmation all the way to the final destination. It can even confirm the delivery of a job because it can tell when the paper has landed in the output tray for PJL compliant printers. End-to-end confirmation allows the administrators to locate the problem area when delivery interruptions and failures occur. OM Plus is fully SNMP compliant and can capture data provided by SNMP devices. This allows users to see more detailed information on device status (i.e. the printer is low on toner). OM Plus can even talk directly to web enabled devices to gather detailed status information.

Automated, event based processing

Events such as printer problems can be defined so that OM Plus automatically notifies an administrator via pager or e-mail of the printer problem. Other events such as a printer is busy or the form the job requires is loaded in another printer can trigger automatic re-routing of a print job.

Printer & Print Management

According to industry experts, a typical organization can spend as much as fifteen percent of its total revenue on printing and print management. Organizations that proactively manage their print output can reduce the high costs associated with printing.

OM Plus superior print management functionality improves productivity and reduces cost.

OM Plus:

Allows central control and monitoring of the status of printer devices and jobs across the entire organization from a single status screen improving help desk productivity.

Ensures delivery of output to its final destination in the correct format.

Greatly reduce help desk calls.

Maximizes printer availability.

Reduces costs associated with manual bursting and distribution of reports with electronic bursting and bundling of reports (with RD/RB Plus options)

Users can add or remove printers themselves from their own class of printers

Audit and Accounting Logs

The OM Plus accounting log tracks usage data that is required in charge back environments. The audit log assists with troubleshooting and problem resolution. Both are viewable, searchable, exportable and customizable making problem resolution faster.

Document Viewing

The viewer in OM Plus views all text documents and simple PCL. OM Plus will automatically launch additional viewers to view more complex document formats.

Printer Status Monitoring

OM Plus captures a rolling log of PJL statements from the printer. This log allows a user to view the actual status of a printer.

Implementation On site services including installation, system configuration, testing and user training was delivered by service engineers from Plus Technologies to all of these customers. In all cases, the implementation was completed and in production within two to three weeks of the order.

Rick FergusonCassey Blog30146
Benedikta Blog89376

A Better Way To Profits On eBay

Everyone knows that eBay is ideal for buying and selling items. But, did you know that there is an even easier way to earn, big time, on eBay?

It can be done via a drop shipping web site and order line. You buy a ready made website and either use it or sell it on again, via eBay, only for a higher price than you purchased it.

Buy low, sell high.

To get in on this little known act youll need to dig deep into the American Internet version of eBay.

On the left hand side of the home page youll see a heading Categories where youll need to click on the Business & Industrial link (about the sixth link down from the top).

That will take you to a whole page of links to even more categories. Youll then have to look in the bottom right hand corner of the page under Other Industries. You may need to scroll down a little to view this section.

Click on Websites and other businesses for sale. This will take you to the first page of many where you can view all the websites that are available to bid on.

At the time of writing there were over seven thousand sites for sale.

You can pick them up for just a few pounds each, dont go for those that are thousands of pounds each just yet youll need some practice at first.

Have a real good browse. See whats available and visit some of the sites to see how they operate. Also read the terms and conditions of each auction youre interested in so that you know exactly what youre bidding on. Many sites are under a Buy Now logo which means you dont need to wait to see if your bid is high enough, you literally, buy NOW, usually for a very low price.

Once you see a number of website businesses that you feel youd like to bid on, mark them down in your Favourites on eBay, this will keep an eye on it for you and let you know when the auction is closing. If you have any questions about any site, simply ask the seller by clicking on the appropriate link and they should reply promptly.

Meanwhile, if you have not got a PayPal account, open one. Its free. or for everything UK-ised, if youd prefer.

PayPal will allow you to accept credit cards (sales can increase by up to 800% when you can take credit cards) and everything is converted from US dollars to pounds sterling for you, automatically, when selling or buying on eBay.

Pretty well everyone who buys or sells on eBay has a PayPal account and you should too. Its safe, secure and instant.

When looking for a website to purchase, make sure its about a subject youre interested in. Its no good selling Christian books if you arent remotely interested in Christian books. However, if youre just buying to immediately sell on, then thats fine if youre confident that people will bid for it.

Check any sites that you purchase are working perfectly before you sell on.

Also, watch out for sites that charge you a monthly fee to keep your service going. Rather, buy sites that are a once only payment and nothing else to pay. You may only get a commission of, say, 50% on each sale of an item but at least you dont have to part with more cash.

The sites that are ideal to start you off in business are dropship businesses. You are not responsible for the inventory or the delivery of goods its all up to the Prime Source to do this on your behalf. Once you make a sale, simply pass the details on to them and theyll process the order for you.

Visit This site would be good to subscribe to if youd like to become an affiliate in things home business. You would get a site exactly the same but you would own it. This particular one is mine and I can choose any domain name I wish to advertise it and then redirect my customers to the one above .. which I plan to do very soon. Its brand new and Im just starting to promote it.

Having a site like this is the idea way to run a business if youre not able to build your own website or print books or make software etc.. This is ALL done for you by the Prime Source. Visit the above link, take a look around and see what you think.

You should have your own PayPal account so that any orders received will be paid straight into your PayPal account the next day. You can, literally, earn money while you sleep.

Obviously, you wont earn any income if nobody knows your site exists but the marketing techniques that youll need to drive people to your site are supplied when you buy it. There are useful articles, free software and plenty of how to reports to help you.

Advertising in this publication will also help, of course.

At the time of writing it was around three hundred dollars to buy this particular site but they often have special offers so, take a look around, and see what you can find.

Once youve paid this start up fee, you never have to pay anything again and youll earn between 50% - 75% of everything you sell.

The above website is for you to keep and run yourself but, by looking at the auctions on eBay, youll be able to find similar sites where, instead of keeping it, you simply re-list it on eBay and sell it at a profit.

Finally, you may want to purchase a site but create your own product to sell from it. This is a great way of earning 100% of everything you sell its your product so you keep all the money. Allow others to affiliate to this site and give them, say, 50% of their sales. Other people will have lists of customers that youll never reach but, through them, you can. Think of the extra earnings by doing just this.

Google Pay Per Click ads and setting up auctions for your product on eBay are other ways to earn quickly and efficiently.

There are many hidden extra ways to earn a living via the Internet and this is another one of them. but dont tell anyone, its your secret way of getting in and making the bigger bucks. Your neighbours will wonder where youre getting all your money from.

(c) 2006 Martyn Brown: 20+ years in home business industry.Audie Blog44809
Bobbie Blog1823

An Overview Of The Master Plan For Baltimore Schools

On July 1, 2007, Andres Alonso officially became chief executive officer of Baltimore Schools. He will oversee approximately 180 schools and 82,000 students, with the help and guidance of the Baltimore Schools master plan. The master plan is guided by the Baltimore Schools vision, which is clear, desirable, and inspiring:

Accelerating the academic achievement of all students, in partnership with the entire community, to ensure that students have the attitudes, skills, and proficiencies needed to succeed in college and in the 21st century global workforce.

The district believes that achieving this vision is entirely possible by fulfilling the Baltimore Schools mission:

To accelerate student progress through effective implementation of the Baltimore Schools master plan, focusing on quality instruction, managing systems efficiently, and sustaining a culture of excellence.

The Baltimore Schools master plan priorities have been established in accordance with State guidelines and provide the core of the school system's plans for improving the academic achievement of all students. Goals of this master plan as listed below:

Goal 1: By 2013-2014, all Baltimore Schools students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts, and mathematics.

Goal 2: All Baltimore Schools students that have limited English proficiency will become proficient in English and reach high academic standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics.

Goal 3: By 2005-2006, all core academic subject classes (CAS) will be taught by highly qualified teachers.

Goal 4: All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning.

Goal 5: All students will graduate from high school

Goal 6: Effective management of systems will support student achievement. Such systems cover accountability, communications with parents, the community, and business partners. Baltimore Schools recognize that making a difference for its students is more than simply writing a check. Many businesses provide assistance to schools in a variety of ways including the donation of materials, merchandise and volunteer hours. There is growing evidence that school/business partnerships improve the capacity of individual families, schools and communities. Businesses are thus more willing to support teaching and learning. When students connect school work with the world of work, they are motivated to learn. There are several ways that businesses can help out Baltimore Schools: mentoring, tutoring, becoming a guest reader, giving monetary contributions, and donating school supplies. However, donations can range from pencils to computers; books to playground equipment; flowers to furniture. Volunteering in Baltimore Schools, offering internships to Baltimore Schools students, or joining the staff as an adjunct faculty member are also ways for businesses to maintain a healthy partnerships with Baltimore Schools.

It is also a goal of the district that finances and operations of facilities, transportation, and nutrition services within Baltimore Schools will be effective and efficient. Throughout all of Baltimore Schools, students, parents, teachers, and administrators have many opportunities to experience the positive changes that implementing this master plan can offer.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information please visit Blog31746
Caye Blog96435

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