Wednesday, January 30, 2008

It Costs Little To Say Thank You

Ta with the Australians, Merci by the French, Danke by the Germans,and thanks in English. Well their forms may be different but the feeling always remain the same. Many try to avoid the word, may be due to a complex or due to laziness but lucky are the ones who get the opportunity to speak out a thank you. It may sound a little funny but its human nature. We tend to give a lot of importance to things, which could easily be avoided for a while but hardly do we care to halt and say things that could actually make a big difference.

Thank you may just be a two syllable word but its application is worth two million and above. It is a word of courtesy that not just brings two people together but builds up a strong bond between two nations. Let us not take it as a word to that we are forced to say but a word that we use to bless others.

Thank you holds a very important place in the bible. The lord had said ''In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. the lord urges us to gives thanks to all those people who have been a reason for our happiness, be it very big or just a minute one. Thanks sees no caste or creed, but just the emotions that it brings along.

It's never that the person who helps you is expecting a thank you but somewhere deep inside he/she wishes to hear that, just to confirm, that there is a healthy bond of respect existing between the two. Have you ever thought of thanking a person who came to your aid in times of need? We tend to keep in good touch with the person who could be of help to us but the moment the work gets done, there is very little that we care to do or say. Such is the selfishness that exists in humans.

Although we humans are graced with brains and emotions but animals prove to be better in the sector of courtesy. In this context mention may be made of a very old story that is usually told by the mothers or grand mothers to inculcate the value of thanks in the little ones. It is the story of the dove and and an ant. Once the ant had seen a hunter aiming at a dove. It went and bit the leg of the hunter to spoil his aim. Thus it saved the life of the dove. In return the dove showed its courtesy by saving the life of the ant when it had fallen into the river. If dumb creatures like them could understand the language of courtesy than why is it that we humans lag behind?

Thank you can be expressed in several ways. You could either say it or just walk up to the nearest card shop to get a thank you card. In the crossroads of life we may be favored greatly by a healing touch and yet in return all we say is Thank you...because we know, nothing can express our gratitude better than this seven letter word. Its not the saying but the feeling that makes all the difference. We need to have a genuine feeling of gratitude. Taking it as a formality is like compelling your self to do something. Genuineness of a feeling come priceless but formalities come costly.

Credit go to all Americans who understand the worth of thank you and celebrate in its honor the occasion of Thanksgiving. The day calls for a big gathering where there is the flow of emotions and love and is an opportunity to show gratitude to all the people who have made a big difference in their lives. But most importantly, it is the gratitude that we show to god for the beautiful life that he has graced us with. So just don't waste a minute but get to your toes and shower every one with this beautiful word of courtesy, who have been with you in all thick and thins of life.

Sean Carter writes on ,family, relationships,womens issues and friendship. He also writes on holidays, and celebrations around the world.He is a writer with special interest in ecard industry. He writes for http://www.123greetings.comCatha Blog39417
Alexi Blog64607


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